As I work on budget requests for next year I want to know how the elementary lab is doing--are the machines locking up? Is the internet working with shockwave/flash/java pluggins? Is the web based keyboarding working? How much time are you using a week in the elementary lab? What could we do to improve? Have you used AR? Have you used Math Facts in a Flash? Anyone using Harcourt Math? Do you have enough projectors in your rooms? Are you interested in a smart board? Do you have enough work stations in your room?
Please join me tomorrow in the elementary lab! I know it isn't much notice, but I REALLY WANT TO KNOW!
Your representatives on the technology committee are Jeff Ganschaw and Jay Swatek. We will be having a meeting next week to decide our goals for our 3 year tech plan, so I would love your input. Please feel free to comment here if you can't make the meeting! Click below on comments, pick anonymous, but please put in your first name and grade with your comments.
State technology standards by grade are found at: