Thursday, June 24, 2010

21st Century Learning Websites

Poll Everywhere

Voting (Calendar Options)

Hippo Campus

Supplementary material for Lessons


Google Apps, Books, Gmail, Picasa, Calendar, and even more...


Timeline creator


A brainstorming tool.


Drag Readability icon to your browser toolbar and it displays just text without ads and pictures.


Add a url address and all text becomes clickable for definitions or translation.


Free software for recording and editing sounds.You can do everything from recording podcasts to mixing and editing music.

Audio Dropboxes

A virtual dropbox for audio recordings.

Jeopardy Labs

Create your own Jeopardy game

Free Rice

For each correct answer, 10 lbs of rice is donated to the United Nations World Food Program. Includes practice for the following subjects: English, Math, World Language, Geography, Chemistry and Art skills

Jigsaw Planet

Create a jigsaw puzzle from an image you upload. Display on Smartboard and have students put puzzle together.


Free online file conversion - up to 100mb free. Convert pdf files, etc.


Easiest Youtube converter. Follow these steps:

1. Typing the word (Kick) in the url 
Change this...
To this...
2. Left clicking on a word (Go) 
3. Right clicking on a word (Download)

Freeplay Music

Search for free music when you need background music for videos or podcasts.

Color Scheme Designer

Helps you find cool color schemes for daily lessons, class website, newsletter, bulletin boards, art projects outfits and more!

Wayback Machine

An archive of the Internet - look up websites as they were many years ago.


A computational knowledge engine.