Monday, April 18, 2011

Wanna Know How to Make Movies in the Elementary Lab! April 20th, 7:30 AM

We will be using imovie and iphoto for this. I will also show you the bean cameras (we have a pack of 5 of them) that we can use to take pictures of the students or scavenger hunt items.

We will be making a movie about dogs, man's best friend!

There are built in microphones on the computers for our voice, and we will also use a song in our movie. We will use the quick keys command c to copy, command v to paste. We will use the control/shift 4 to capture parts of the screen.

Files will be found at:
or you can go to GO/Network/MyNetwork/Xserve09
pick connect and pick Elementary for the volume to mount
Double click Elementary, and drag the Demos-Dog folder to your desktop

It will be FUN!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wanna Know How to Ride a Roller Coaster! Wednesday April 13th

7:30 AM Macbook Lab  Bring your comb! We are going to be making a movie with you riding in a roller coaster!  And—where is my stuff?  How to find your things on the file server with the mac platform?
We will be using Photobooth and iMovie for this wanna know!
iMovie Tutorials
What is Photo Booth?