To simplify the ordering process and to help maintain your inventory, we request that all requisitions be completed in an Excel spreadsheet format. To simplify the ordering process and to help maintain your inventory, we request that all requisitions be completed in an Excel spreadsheet format and a printout submitted to your principal as well as the digital file for Kyla in your requisition folder. This will make requisitions easier to read and process and also help you with keeping track of your inventory. You will need to have Excel on your computer in order to do this. Following are instructions on how to complete your requisitions.
Macs (System 10)
Go to Go
Connect to Server
Log on with your last name first initial; password is your Citrix password
Scroll down to Requisitions
Double click on Requisitions and you should see a folder with your name on it
PCs (XP)
Click on My Computer
You will see both Requisitions and Inventory as a network drive
To create a requisition, open your folder to access your copy of the Requisition Form. Open the form and IMMEDIATELY save the file as in the following example: choose File and then Save As; name the file with a descriptive name (if Liz is ordering from Apple Computer, she will name the file LBennettApple). PLEASE USE THIS FORMAT.
Please use these same steps throughout the year and ALWAYS SAVE YOUR REQUISITIONS IN YOUR FOLDER. Kyla uses this as a tracking procedure for processing and receiving orders. This will also help you keep track of what you have ordered for your inventory.
Please include the company’s COMPLETE NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER AND FAX NUMBER ON EACH REQUISITION FORM. If there is a catalog number or ISBN for workbooks or textbooks, it MUST be entered on your requisition form to be sure that the correct item is ordered. PLEASE LOOK OVER YOUR REQUISITIONS TO BE SURE THAT ALL YOUR INFORMATION HAS BEEN ENTERED CORRECTLY. Also, please be very descriptive of the items you are ordering. This will really help when the time comes for the orders to be checked in. You also MUST list a price for each item ordered. After completing the quantity of each item and the cost each of the item on the requisition, the total cost column should automatically figure your total for each line and for your entire order at the bottom of the form. If any information is incomplete or if the requisition is not printed out and handed in to the Business Office, the item or requisition WILL NOT be ordered.
Go to File
Page Setup
Pick Landscape Format
Choose Print
Print a paper copy/copies of your requisitions and submit them to your principal for approval.
All requisitions will be reviewed by Mr. Arend and given to Kyla so that she can go into your file and remove any red-lined items. You will use your Requisition file to add items to your classroom inventory. This should be an efficient way for you to keep track of what items were ordered plus help you keep your inventory up to date.
Kyla will order the basic supplies for daily classroom operation such as staples, tape, pens, glue, file folders, envelopes, markers, highlighters, board erasers, board cleaner, post-it notes, pencil sharpeners, adult scissors, fun-tak, paper clips, binder clips, rubber bands, liquid paper, transparencies, index cards, legal pads and tag board. These items will be kept in the storage room in the main office. Norinda will order tempera paint, construction paper and art rolls. These items will be stored in the elementary workroom.
Thank you for your cooperation in making this a smooth process.
Looking Ahead: Inventory is found in the same manner. Instead of Requisitions, choose Inventory. All inventory is online and is due at checkout.
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